AV creatives on ‘Covid-19’ Guidelines for Employers and Employees
Madam/Sir, As you are aware that the country has been facing the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic since March 2020. Covid -19 Safe Workplace Guidelines for Industry and Establishment has been issued by ESIC. In this context, two AV Creatives/films (in Hindi & English) on Covid Guidelines for Employers and Employees have also been produced. The AV creatives/Films may be run/displayed in the TV screen (LCD/LED) installed at Waiting Areas/Reception Areas of your Office/ factory/ Establishment/ Workplace/ Canteen etc., for awareness amongst beneficiaries or it can be watched individually on personal mobile phones. The said AV creatives/Films are available at link [ https://www.esic.nic.in/attachments/avcreatives.zip ] in downloadable format for you. This link may also be shared with employees in your factory/establishment. Warm regards, Team- Employees’ State Insurance Corporation www.tpconsultants.com